Educational specificity of Salesian institutions in the Polish catholic school system


  • Renata Brzezińska Akademia Jagiellonska in Torun, 87-100 Torun, Prosta Street 4



catholic schools, Salesian Society, Salesian schools, St. John Bosco, prevention system


Catholic education occupies a special place in the country of religious education. Education at the Catholic School is based on Christian personalism, which recognizes the existential specificity of the human being, and therefore a personal dimension of human being, a material and spiritual element of its nature, reason and freedom as significant attributes, sensitivity to higher values. This personalistic concept of a man recognizing his spiritual dimension, significantly shed on the entire course of education. Among the Catholic schools operating in Poland, special position occupies schools conducted by the Salesian Assembly, founded by Saint. John Bosko, who devoted his entire life to the creation of an educational community for the most needy and lost youth. He also became famous as the creator of an extraordinary preventive system leading to an integral human development. The paper presents the basic principles of teaching and upbringing in Salesian schools, conducted in accordance with the ideals appointed by their spiritual guide. Participants in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship were particularly exposed, subject to the Pilska Province.





How to Cite

Brzezińska, R. (2023). Educational specificity of Salesian institutions in the Polish catholic school system. International Journal of Public Administration, Management and Economic Development, 8(1), 34–42.


