On Test-Based Assessment and Evaluation


  • Jiří Novosák Newton University, 5. května 1640/65, Prague 140 21, Czechia
  • Oldřich Hájek Newton University, 5. května 1640/65, Prague 140 21, Czechia
  • Jana Novosáková Newton University, 5. května 1640/65, Prague 140 21, Czechia
  • Blanka Vytrhlíková Newton University, 5. května 1640/65, Prague 140 21, Czechia


Assessment and evaluation, education, tests, classical test theory, item response theory


The main intent of this paper is to introduce crucial components of a newly created methodology that contains practical and usable instructions how to perform tasks common to test-based assessment and evaluation (case studies). Theoretically, the methodology is based on two fundamental approaches to test-based assessment and evaluation: (a) classical test theory; and (b) item response theory, and these approaches were used (a) to identify eighteen case studies; and (b) to give step-by-step instructions how to perform them. In this regard, all case studies are specified against components of a general methodological framework, and such a specification is illustrated for a selected case study titled ‘Test taker’s proficiency level – test scale’. It is worth noting that a broader situational context is discussed in more detail. Finally, a link between the methodology and the Strategy for Education Policy of the Czech Republic 2030+ through their common focus on the quality of test-based assessment and evaluation is explained and emphasized.




How to Cite

Novosák, J., Hájek, O., Novosáková, J., & Vytrhlíková, B. (2022). On Test-Based Assessment and Evaluation. International Journal of Public Administration, Management and Economic Development, 7(2), 31–42. Retrieved from http://www.ijpamed.eu/index.php/journal/article/view/73


