Development of the institute of holidays in the Czech Republic and in the Slovak Republic in the years 1918 2020
leave, entitlement to leave, additional leave, international regulation of labor law, issues and labor protection, amendment to labor codeAbstract
The scientific study (ScS) is based on the key conclusions of my DiP (dissertation) on the legal status as of the 1st of the January, 2021 according to Act No. 285/2020 Coll. in the range of 264 pages. The DiP contains an overview of labor law legislation, especially holiday
regulations, in the territory of historical Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia on the one hand and in the territory of today's Slovakia on the other. For the needs of this scientific study, the year 1918 was chosen, when a common state of Czechs and Slovaks was established. Unfortunately, convergence efforts to achieve uniform codification legislation throughout the country have not
been fulfilled. However, in 1934 at least uniform labor legislation was achieved, including leave for most employees in all countries (parts) of the republic. This legal status developed in the following years 1935-1939, only to be divided again at the end of the decade. The Czech lands became part of the German Protectorate, Subcarpathian Russia became part of Hungary and the
Slovak state became a satellite of Germany, each area had a different legal regulation of labor law issues. In the post-war period, it was again the same in the case of Bohemia and Slovakia. Legal regulation was usually valid for one, maximum two years. Great progress in this problematic was Act No. 81/1959 Coll., which introduced paid leave for all employees in principle, was effective for six years. Legislative success is undoubtedly the codification of labor law by Act No. 65/1965 Coll., Which repealed the last provisions of the General Austrian Civil Code (1811) in labor law matters and also repealed the effectiveness of many First Republic legislation on this subject. To the date of 1st of Jannuary, 1993, the Czechoslovak federation disintegrated, and the legislation in Bohemia and Moravia gradually began to differ again from the legislation in force in Slovakia. In the Czech Republic, a new Labor Code, Act No. 262/2006 Coll., Was adopted with effect from 1 January 2007; in Slovakia, the new Labor Code was adopted in 2001 by Act No. 311 with effect from 1 April 2002. ScS also maps this latest legislative development, compares the issue of holidays. In the conclusion, hypotheses are given about the future development of society with its socioeconomic and technical determinants, to which the legal institute of leave should respond.
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